Technical Requirements

Despite its power, EventPro does not require sophisticated and expensive high-end hardware or software to function. EventPro Software recommends that the software be run on machines that meet or exceed the following minimum system requirements. If you need assistance assessing your computer system requirements, please contact our support staff.

EventPro Cloud Edition (Hosted on EventPro Server)

EventPro Cloud
Citrix Workspace App (formerly Receiver)
  • With this free download you can access EventPro easily and securely from any device including smartphones, tablets, PCs and Macs.
  • Download at Citrix Workspace app 1912 LTSR for Windows
  • Recommended: current general release
  • Optional: no download required with "light version" (some restrictions apply)
Internet Connection
  • Minimum: 256kbps per user
  • Recommended: 512kbps or more per user
Supported Email
  • IMAP
  • POP3
  • Exchange Web Service
  • MS Graph
  • GMail
  • Required to print reports
EPConnect Suite, Virtual Assistant Suite & EventPro 2-Way API
  • Hosted as part of the EventPro Cloud Service
  • EventPro API requires 3rd-party/custom-developed program to access and use API
Named Users Multi-Factor Authentication
  • Recommended: Installing the Duo Mobile app

EventPro On-Prem Edition (Hosted on your server/desktop)

EventPro On-Prem
Operating Systems
  • Windows 10 or newer
  • Latest service packs (32 or 64 bit version)
  • Microsoft .NET 4.7.2 Framework or newer

*EventPro On-Prem is a Windows-based system. Like other Windows applications, options exist to access the software from other operating systems (Mac, Linux, etc.). We recommend consulting with your IT department if you wish to access EventPro On-Prem from a Mac or other operating system.

Memory RAM
  • 8GB Minimum
  • 16GB Recommended
Disk Space
  • Application requires 200MB
  • Typical databases range in size from 500MB to 2GB and up
  • Storing of communication attachments can significantly increase this requirement
Video Resolution
  • 1366 x 768 Minimum
  • Higher Recommended
Supported Email
  • IMAP
  • POP3
  • Outlook
  • Exchange Web Service
  • MS Graph
  • GMail
Network Speed
  • 100MB/sec Minimum
  • 1GB/sec Recommended
  • Database
    • MS-SQL 2017 or newer
    • RAM 8GB minimum
    • Typical databases range in size from 500MB to 2GB and up
    • Storing of communication attachments can significantly increase this requirement
  • EP Connect Suite (optional)
  • Virtual Assistant Suite (optional)

* Requirements can vary depending on number of simultaneous users.

* It is NOT recommended to run any of the above on the same server.

  • 3GHz Minimum
  • Required to print reports

Optional Module Suites (On-Prem Edition)

EP Connect Suite
  • IIS 7.0 or newer
  • Disk space: 300MB
  • Memory: 8GB minimum
Virtual Assistant Suite
  • Windows Server 2016 or newer
  • Disk space: 200MB
  • Memory: 8GB minimum
EventPro 2-Way API
  • IIS 7.0 or newer
  • Disk space: 300MB
  • Memory: 8GB minimum
  • Third-party/custom-developed program to access and use the API

* Requirements can vary depending on number of simultaneous users.

* It is NOT recommended to run any of the above on the same server.

* The server on which you install EPConnect/VirtualAssistant must have Read/Write access to your SQL server, and must have .NET and ASP enabled. If installing on a third-party web host (must support .NET and ASP), you will need to configure your SQL server to accept connections from outside its network.

Administrator Requirements (On-Prem Edition)

Database Management
  • SQL Administrator
Network Installation
  • Network Administrator